Jul 1Liked by M L Clark

Fascinating essay, though I should warn your highly active subconscious that if "how we keep it all together" is by reminding ourselves to "breath better in the sea of decay," the image is that of shipwrecked castaways holding onto to exploded jetsam in the vast, unbroken sea with no sign of rescue in sight.

Or is that an AI megayacht coming to rescue us? With decarbonization sodas and Party On hats?

We are all just floating and hanging on here, so anything anybody else wants to say to lighten the mood as they clutch their piece, feel free.

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Thank you so much for this, Maggie. It's always hard. It's something I wish I'd talked about more in the How Capitalism Will End video; the reason that the early Marxist conviction that capitalism's "inevitable" collapse was right around the corner and would lead to the workers seizing the means of production was so seductive is the same reason why Christian fundamentalist's conviction that the rapture is right around the corner is so seductive: because it's simple and it means you can be sure that everything's going to turn out all right not only in the end but very soon and forever. And the reality is that it's not easy, and it's not sure. Every day is a struggle to try and make things a little bit better. I am not sure how to fix everything, nobody is, but we do the best we can with what we have and try to show how the system could be reformed to the benefit of the many rather than the few. So keep on, you're doing good things and you should keep doing them.

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